Some useful tools

1 minute read


Some useful tools

0Jupyter + serverLinux, tools, pythonjupyter theme, extensions
1Google colab proLinux, Deep, Machine, python, GPU 
2screenLinux, terminal, connection 
3gesturesignWindows, Gesture, Surface 
4opencvCV, Image process, Machine learning 
5Print shopPaper, print, publish, book2021 Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling
6arxivScholar, paperEfficientNet
7litmapsScholar, paperlitmaps
8poetrypython packaging, managerpoetry
9numpypython, scientificnumpy
10SciPypython, scientificpoetry
11seabornpython, statistical, visualizationseaborn
12matplotlibpython, animated, visualizationmatplotlib
13VLFeatmatlab(not only), Feature, toolboxVLFeat
14Overleafpaper, academicoverleaf
15Kaggleml, GPUkaggle
17scrcpyDisplay and control your Android devicescrcpy
18pyautoguia cross-platform GUI automation Python module for human beingspyautogui
19tqdmA Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLItqdm
20yt-dlpdownloader of videos from YouTube and other site
22Teamviewcontroll between win and lin 
25remote-sshssh, remote 

Some useful courses

0Stanford CS229Machine, Deep
1Coursera MLMachine, matlab
3Coursera DeepDeep, python
4ml by Hongyi Leeml & dl