matlab optimization
use optimization Toolbox in matlab to solve linear, quadratic, conic, integer, and nonlinear optimization problems: Tutorial for Optimization Toolbox™
Find minimum of unconstrained multivariable function
Finds the minimum of a problem specified by \(\min _{x} f(x)\) where f(x) is a function that returns a scalar, x is a vector or a matrix; see Matrix Arguments.
- we try to solve a problem of
J(θ) = (θ1 - 5)^2 + (θ2 - 5)^2
in gradient decent:
% write a single function to compute the cost.
function [f, g] = costFunction(theta)
f = sum((theta - 5).^2); % cost
g = 2*(theta - 5); % gradient
% set options
options = optimoptions('fminunc','Algorithm','trust-region','SpecifyObjectiveGradient',true);
% use
theta0 = zeros(2,1);
x = fminunc(@costFunction,theta0,options)
Local minimum found.
Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than
the value of the optimality tolerance.
x =
Solve nonlinear least-squares (nonlinear data-fitting) problems
- Description
Nonlinear least-squares solver
Solves nonlinear least-squares curve fitting problems of the form \(\min _{x}\|f(x)\|_{2}^{2}=\min _{x}\left(f_{1}(x)^{2}+f_{2}(x)^{2}+\ldots+f_{n}(x)^{2}\right)\) with optional lower and upper bounds lb and ub on the components of x.
x, lb, and ub can be vectors or matrices; see Matrix Arguments.
Rather than compute the value ||f(x)||^2_2 (the sum of squares), lsqnonlin
requires the user-defined function to compute the vector-valued function \(f(x)=\left[\begin{array}{c} f_{1}(x) \\ f_{2}(x) \\ \vdots \\ f_{n}(x) \end{array}\right]\) x = lsqnonlin(fun,x0)
starts at the point x0
and finds a minimum of the sum of squares of the functions described in fun
. The function fun
should return a vector (or array) of values and not the sum of squares of the values. (The algorithm implicitly computes the sum of squares of the components of fun(x)
xdata = [0.9 1.5 13.8 19.8 24.1 28.2 35.2 60.3 74.6 81.3];
ydata = [455.2 428.6 124.1 67.3 43.2 28.1 13.1 -0.4 -1.3 -1.5];
fun = @(x)x(1)*exp(x(2)*xdata)-ydata;
x0 = [100,-1];
options = optimoptions(@lsqnonlin,'Algorithm','trust-region-reflective');
x = lsqnonlin(fun,x0,[],[],options)
Local minimum possible.
lsqnonlin stopped because the final change in the sum of squares relative to
its initial value is less than the value of the function tolerance.
x = 1×2
498.8309 -0.1013